mengapa kita cinta linus

Beberapa waktu yang lalu Linus Torvalds diwawancarai oleh situs perihal "mengapa dia tidak membawa ciptaannya "linux" kejalur "proprietary", dan betapa mudahnya hal itu untuk dia lakukan dan jadikan sebagai salah satu proyek kecilnya. Berikut akan di cuplikan sedikit diskusi tersebut :

ITB: Lots of researchers made millions with new computer technologies, but you preferred to keep developing Linux. Don’t you feel you missed the chance of a lifetime by not creating a proprietary Linux?

LT: No, really. First off, I'm actually perfectly well off. I live in a good-sized house, with a nice yard, with deer occasionally showing up and eating the roses (my wife likes the roses more, I like the deer more, so we don't really mind). I've got three kids, and I know I can pay for their education. What more do I need?
The thing is, being a good programmer actually pays pretty well; being acknowledged as being world-class pays even better. I simply didn’t need to start a commercial company. And it’s just about the least interesting thing I can even imagine. I absolutely hate paperwork. I couldn’t take care of employees if I tried. A company that I started would never have succeeded -- it’s simply not what I’m interested in! So instead, I have a very good life, doing something that I think is really interesting, and something that I think actually matters for people, not just me. And that makes me feel good.
So I think I would have missed the opportunity of my lifetime if I had not made Linux widely available. If I had tried to make it commercial, it would never have worked as well, it would never have been as relevant, and I’d probably be stressed out. So I’m really happy with my choices in life. I do what I care about, and feel like I’m making a difference.
selengkapnya dibaca di bertajuk "Torvalds Talks" ini di ulas betapa tulusnya niat torvalds dengan menyatakan bahwa "jikapun ia mencoba untuk membuat linux menjadi komersil, maka itu tidak akan sebagus saat ini dan kemungkinan besar tidak sama". Pertanyaan ini kemungkinan muncul dikarenakan maraknya berbagai distribusi yang berbasis GNU/linux mulai mengkomersialisasikan produknya . Di sini juga dibahas tentang pendapatnya terhadap Lisensi GPL ver 2 yang tetap di gunakan sebagai lisensi untuk linux, sementar GPL v3.0 telah di rilis.

Begitu juga ketika di tanya tentang keuntungan terbesar yang bisa di dapatkan oleh user dengan adanya linux selain gratis, dia menjawab salah satunya adalah tentang fleksibelitas seluas-luasnya yang di bisa berikan kepada pengguna.
Sedikit di singgung juga tentang kemungkinan tuntutan yang akan di lakukan oleh Microsoft terhadap komunitas open/free source khususnya beberapa "free program" dan program email melanggar patent.

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